Huntsville's Free LGBTQ+ Closet
Huntsville’s LGBTQ+ closet is open to anyone! Whether you are transitioning, looking to change your style, or preparing for a new job you are welcome to shop the closet. We want to normalize use of the closet by people at all income levels. The closet has multiple benefits for the community including keeping waste out of landfills, reducing spending at big businesses, and especially providing a safe space for LGBTQ+ people to shop with out judgement.
Visit our Facebook Page to see when the closet will be open for shopping and donations.
KEEP On Truckin'
The mobile closet is back! Thanks to our wonderful community we have obtained a UHaul (the irony, we know) and converted it into the NEW LGBTQ+ Mobile Closet! Help us keep it on the road and filled with amazing things for our community by donating here! Funds also go towards providing new gender affirming items available via the request form at the bottom of the page.
This is the only closet we want to see you in. However, we understand that not everyone is able to express themselves freely. Please let us know how we can help protect your anonymity. You can reach out to use via Facebook or the request form. Shop and donation dates are located in the Facebook events area.

Out in the Community